Place of origin of Hinduism

Map of India

India is the place of origin of Hinduism. More specifically, it was the Northern part of India where Hinduism originated. The Hindu culture flourished on the banks of the river Sindhu. That is why Hindus got their name from.

The cultures of Harappa and MohenJo-Daro developed on the banks of the river Sindhu. This civilization is called Indus Valley Civilization. Some of these sites are now in Pakistan and India. This civilization existed around 3000 B.C. or even earlier. Therefore, Hinduism is the oldest existing religion.

But at that time, there was no concept of religion as such. It was just a way of life. Most probably, Persians used the term Hindu first time.

Customs, traditions, and social rules were different at that time. Many great sages modified them from time to time. Hinduism is also called Sanatan Dharma that means the eternal way of life.

Raja Ram Mohan Roy first used the term Hinduism in 1816-17.


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